Sunday, August 15, 2010

if we unite, we'll be as unshakable as Mt. Kwaraa

what to say.. where to begin? I can't even begin to recap on all that's happen these past few weeks. After we returned from break, we were mad busy pushing for our testing date and our community dates. All events were a huge success. During community day, I taught a dance workshop! Hehe.. ME teaching TANZANIANS how to dance. what a cray opportunity. I've also been really utilizing my creative/artistic side. Something I didn't expect to do much of in Africa. I painted a mural in Endakiso that says "Your health is your future." And I also painted a mural in Kwaraa center. The Kwaraa one is my fav of all the murals I painted. I painted Mt. Kwaraa and the SIC logo and it says "If we unite, we'll be as unshakable as Mt. KWaraa." I sneaked in a little purple elephant as my signature on the mountain :) Which, everyone honed in on immediately. not as subtle as I was hoping for. Hamnashida (no problem). I also painted my Mama's storefront. What did i paint? Elephants of course... Seriously, I find any opportunity I can to paint/draw elephants. I have officially become the weird elephant lady. I'm going to die alone with a house full of pygmy elephants (that I am going to genetically engineer to stay small).

Saying goodbye to our village was one of the hardest things I've had to do on this trip. Our mamas planned the sweetest goodbye party for us @ Mama Embaga's. They bought a case of soda, made sweet potato fries, eggs, and pili pili. Everyone was invited including all our brothers and sisters. We sat around taking turns saying our thank yous and farewells, which ended up being a mad tearfest. I lost it when Evans, my little brother who had such a hard time opening up to us, started crying. I felt so heartbroken seeing the children and mamas upset. And as much as I wanted to promise I'll return, the reality is that I don't know if I will have the opportunity again. Kwaraa, you have been so kind, warm, and welcoming to us. You've showed us your love and care. Thank you for accepting us into your community and letting us become one of you. I am proud to say I'm from Kwaraa, and you'll always be my family and home to me. I'm bad with goodbyes.

[I wrote this post at the Nairobi airport while waiting for my transfer flight to S. Africa, but I had mad internet issues and couldn't post until now]

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